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The Dojo Toolkit is an open-source JavaScript toolkit for building Web applications so dynamic they jump off the page. Filled with special controls like calendars and menus, and special effects like wipes and fade-ins, Dojo is rapidly gaining popularity and is emerging as the toolkit of choice for Ajax applications. The Dojo Toolkit Visual QuickStart Guide covers the highlights of Dojo in detail and is the easiest way to get up and running quickly with Dojo.
Page12, Script 1.7: third code snippet:
The book uses the cross-domain version of Dojo that AOL posts, which is automatically up-to-date and means you can run the samples in the book without having to download and install any JavaScript librbary (the "xd" version just means the most up-to-date Dojo version). The correct src looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src=" dojo/1.1/dojo/dojo.xd.js"> </script>