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You’ve captured great images with your DSLR, now what? Jerry Courvoisier provides an easy-to-follow road map for importing, organizing, and editing your images using the best features of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 and Adobe Photoshop CS3. The combined power of using both programs—automation with Lightroom and specialized processing in Photoshop—offers a complete and flexible solution for serious hobbyists and pro photographers alike. In this accessible and beautifully illustrated guide, learn about:
Lessons in DSLR Workflow: External Preferences
Lessons in DSLR Workflow: Photoshop Preferences and Color Settings
Lessons in DSLR Workflow: Raw vs. JPEG Image Formats
Lessons in DSLR Workflow:High Dynamic Range (HDR)
Making Global Corrections with Lightroom 2’s Develop Module
Join Jerry Courvoisier for a two-day Adobe Lightroom Workshop in a city near you.
Setting Lightroom's Preferences
Part One: The Gear
Chapter 1: The Digital SLR Camera
Chapter 2: The Computer
Part Two: Streamlining Your Workflow with Lightroom
Chapter 3: Basic Concepts of Lightroom and Workflow
Chapter 4: Setting Lightroom’s Preferences
Chapter 5: The Display Options
Chapter 6: Importing Your Images
Chapter 7: Organizing Images in the Library
Part Three: Image Processing with Lightroom’s Develop Module
Chapter 8: Adjusting Images in the Develop Module
Chapter 9: Global Develop Corrections
Chapter 10: Local Adjustments
Chapter 11: Exporting Images from Lightroom
Chapter 12: Exporting Images to Photoshop
Part Four: Adobe Photoshop: The Digital Darkroom 176
Chapter 13: Simply Photoshop
Chapter 14: Photoshop Adjustment Layers
Chapter 15: Multiple Raw Image Processing
Chapter 16: Layer Blend Mode Magic in Photoshop
Chapter 17: Photographic Effects with Photoshop
Chapter 18: Black and White in Photoshop