Bringing Back the Old View
Events are a great way to efficiently view your photo library, but maybe you’re fond of the "film roll" view. It can be handy for some library-management tasks. You can still view your library this way, and you can get there in a couple of ways.
In the Library area of the Source list, click Events. Next, choose Edit > Select All, then double-click any event. iPhoto opens all the events, displaying their thumbnails. Now you can move photos between events by dragging them or by cutting and pasting them. You can also merge and split events.
Another way to revisit the "roll" view is to click the Photos item in the Library area Source list. Again, you’ll see each event’s photos, and again you can move photos between events by dragging them or by cutting and pasting. But you can’t merge or split events in this view.
In either of these views, you can open and close an event—that is, show or hide its photo thumbnails—by clicking the little twirly triangle next to the event’s name. And that great shortcut from previous iPhoto versions works here, too: to close all the events, press the Option key while clicking any open event’s twirly triangle. To open every event, Option-click any closed triangle.