Capturing Analog Video
The big moment is finally here. It's time to capture some analog video.
To capture analog video
- Using your camcorder controls, position your tape about 30 seconds before the initial frame you want to capture.
- Click the Start Capture button on the Diskometer (Figure 4.23).
Figure 4.23 Click the Start Capture button on the Diskometer to start capture.
Figure 4.24 You can name your file before capture and elect to capture for a specified interval. Capturing for a particular interval is useful, for example, when you want to capture a 60-minute tape while you're away from the computer.
Figure 4.25 Click the Stop Capture button on the Diskometer to stop capture, or press the Esc key on your keyboard.
For this test, enter a duration of 1 minute and 00 seconds in the Capture Video dialog box, as shown in Figure 4.24.
When the Capture Video dialog box first appears, it displays the maximum duration of video your hard disk can store, which is limited by either the file size or the version of Windows you're running or the file system your hard disk is using (for more information, see the "Windows File Size Limitations" sidebar in Chapter 3).
If the duration shown in your program is less than 1 minute, either your capture disk is almost full or you're pointing toward the wrong disk. (See "Selecting Your Capture Drive" in Chapter 2 for more information.)
- Press Play on your camcorder to start the video rolling.
Watch the video in the Player and click Start Capture approximately 10 to 15 seconds before you actually want capture to begin.
Some capture devices take a few seconds to start capturing; starting early ensures that you capture the desired frames and provides additional frames for fade-in and fade-out or for inter-scene transitions during editing. You can always trim out any unwanted footage later on.
- Studio will capture one minute of video. To stop capture before then, do one of the following:
- Click the Stop Capture button on the Diskometer.
- Press the Esc key on your keyboard.
Figure 4.26 After analog capture, Studio takes a moment to detect scenes in the content.