Step Ten
In Lightroom, select a photo that you want to export from Lightroom as a JPEG, and that you want sharpened in Photoshop before you send it to a client, burn it to CD, etc. Choose File > Export. When the Export dialog box appears, choose Burn Full-Sized JPEGs from the Preset menu at the top, as a good starting place. In the Export Location section of the dialog box, choose the destination folder for your saved JPEGs. Then give your photo a name, and choose your JPEG quality setting. Finally, in the Post-processing section at the bottom of the dialog box, from the After Export pop-up menu choose Unsharp Mask (your droplet), as shown in Figure 10. When you click Export, your photo will be saved as a JPEG; then Photoshop will automatically launch, open your photo, apply your luminosity sharpening, and save and close the photo, so it’s fully sharpened and now ready to send to your client. Pretty slick stuff!