Lightroom Tips & Tricks: It's All About the View
- Quick-Launch Slideshow
- Virtual Copy Flexibility
- Graffiti and Lightroom
There’s something fun about reaching your hand into a grab bag and pulling out a prize. And how does that relate to Lightroom? Well, I like to think of these tips as a grab bag full of goodies. Reach in, pick one out, and enjoy!
Quick-Launch Slideshow
Lightroom is all about the photographer’s workflow, yet when I’m editing and processing images, I can easily get caught up in the work and forget about the flow. It’s in these moments that it’s essential to take a break from working on my images; otherwise, there’s a risk of neglecting to enjoy the photos!
Here’s what I do on a regular basis to keep my passion and appreciation alive:
- Command-click (PC: Ctrl-click) to select a handful of my favorite images from the current set.
- Command-Return (PC: Ctrl-Enter) to launch the slideshow (called an impromptu slideshow) with the most recent slideshow settings.
- Let go of the mouse, stand up, and enjoy the show. This gives me a fresh perspective (see Figure 1).
Don’t we learn all the time from making photographs that sometimes the best images result from a subtle change of view? Although this slideshow tip is small, it continually helps me to change my perspective and thus become a better photographer.