Removing Sensor Dust
When you change lenses on an SLR camera, it’s easy to get sensor dust on an image. Unfortunately, these little bits of dust often appear as unattractive blobs on your photos. Aperture offers several ways to remove these, as sensor dust is a problem that can plague even the most professional photographers.
- In the Browser, select the image Kids 7.
- Look carefully in the upper-right corner for a black fleck, which indicates sensor dust.
- Press Z to zoom the image and view it at 100%. Position the image so you can clearly see the sensor dust.
- Select the Retouch tool in the tool strip.
The pointer changes to a target, and the Retouch HUD appears so you can adjust the Retouch tool.
- In the Retouch HUD, select the Repair button.
- Set the Radius to 50 and the Softness to 0.65.
- Brush over the sensor dust using one continuous stroke.
- Repeat step 7 until the imperfection and any noticeable edges disappear.
- Click the Lift button in the tool strip to lift the image adjustment.
The Lift & Stamp HUD opens to show which properties have been lifted.
- In the Lift & Stamp HUD, make sure the checkbox next to IPTC is deselected.
- In the Browser, drag to select the images Kids 8 and Kids 9.
- Press Z to fit the images in the Viewer.
- Click the Stamp Selected Images button in the Lift & Stamp HUD.
The Repair adjustment is applied to the two images shot under similar conditions.