#26 Customizing the Appearance
The Portfolio interface uses an SWF template, called the Navigator. Use the Navigator feature to enhance the portfolio's appearance and functionality.
You can customize the appearance of a portfolio by configuring the layout and color. Start a portfolio as described in the previous technique, and select and add the files or folders you want to use.
Choose a layout. Select one of these options:
- Basic Grid is the default view (shown in Figure 25) that arranges content based on a thumbnail grid.
- The On an Image option displays your portfolio content with an image as the background. Click the thumbnails placed on the background image to display their contents. For details on building this layout, see the sidebar "Pick a Picture."
- Revolve presents the content as a sequence where one file comes into focus at a time, great for displaying images or other highly visual content. You can include a description on the pages; click page icons to navigate.
Sliding Row presents the content on a horizontal slider with the central three files in focus, ideal for displaying visual sequences of images and content that needs descriptions. Click page icons below the slider to navigate.
As you see in Figure 26a, the layouts are significantly different.
Figure 26a Pick a layout that suits your content, such as the image background (left), Revolve layout (center), or Sliding Row (right) layout.
Select a color scheme. Click the Select a Color Scheme bar to display the default color schemes. Click Customize Color Scheme to open a list of the colors used in a scheme. Click an item (such as Background Color or Primary Text Color) to open a color picker that lets you choose a custom color (Figure 26b).
Figure 26b Choose an alternate color scheme or customize the colors used for editing and in the finished portfolio.