#29 Applying Acrobat Commands
Files added to a portfolio aren't static. That is, you can open a file from the portfolio, make changes (such as Reader-enabling the file or adding a digital signature), and save the revised file. Some commands can be applied directly in the Portfolio window.
Opening files for editing. Although not every file type can be edited from within your portfolio, a great many file types can. Check out the sidebar "Update These Files..." for a list of formats.
Follow these steps to edit a PDF file:
- Select the file to work with from the Home or List mode, and then click Preview
on the Portfolio toolbar to display the files in the Preview Portfolio window (Figure 29).
Figure 29 Select and review component files in the preview.
- Click Open
to display the file in Acrobat. You can access all the Acrobat menus and tools.
- Make your changes as necessary and save; the portfolio file is automatically updated.
Editing in portfolio. Some commands can be applied directly in the Portfolio window to a selected file or files, such as Reduce File Size, Run the PDF Optimizer, and others. Select the file or files in Home or List mode, and then choose the menu item. A sampling of the commands you can use in Portfolio are listed in the sidebar "Command Your Portfolio."