This chapter is from the book
What You’ve Learned
- Mac OS X’s Open Directory has a specific Active Directory plug-in that uses Active Directory’s LDAP and Kerberos services and enables extra functionality with the Active Directory domain, such as Dynamic DNS updates. The Active Directory plug-in comes with a default set of mappings for objects and attributes, which you can modify.
- You can use Directory Utility or dsconfigad to bind a Mac OS X computer to Active Directory. You must specify the Active Directory domain, the name of a computer object in Active Directory to use or create, and the user name and password of an Active Directory user who has the ability to create or that computer object.
- By default, Mac OS X assigns a home folder in /Users for Active Directory users. If the user also has an Active Directory network home folder assigned, the folder will appear in the Dock and the Network volume will be mounted, but by default Mac OS X does not display network volumes on the desktop.
- The Active Directory plug-in uses DNS extensively, including SRV records. You should configure Mac OS X to use the Active Directory DNS service or continually replicate the complicated set of records on another DNS service.
- Binding to an Active Directory domain takes several steps, and the progress is logged to /var/log/system.log.
- Mac OS X v10.5 supports packet signing, packet encryption, and dynamic DNS updates by default.
- The login process after binding to Active Directory is similar to the login process after binding to any other LDAP directory node.