- Snap Possibilities
- Snap Alignment
- Snapping to a Grid
- Snapping to Guides
- Snapping to Pixels
- Snapping to Objects
- Controlling Snap Settings
Controlling Snap Settings
To set parameters for snapping to the grid, follow these steps:
- Choose View > Grid > Edit Grid or press Option-#-G (Mac) or Ctrl-Alt-G (Windows) to open the Grid dialog box.
- Specify the desired settings. The Snap Accuracy setting (see Figure 6) determines how close an element must be to the grid before Flash snaps the element to the gridline. Choosing Always Snap forces the edge or center of an element to lie directly on a gridline.
- Click OK.
Figure 6 Setting the snap accuracy for the grid.
To set parameters for snapping to guides, follow these steps:
- Choose View > Guides > Edit Guides or press Option-Shift-#-G (Mac) or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-G (Windows) to open the Guides dialog box.
- Specify the desired settings. The Snap Accuracy setting (see Figure 7) controls how close items must be before they'll snap to the guides. Other options you can set in this dialog box include guide color, visibility of guides, and locked/unlocked status.
- Click OK.
Figure 7 Specifying the snap accuracy for guides.
To set snap-align options, follow these steps:
- Choose View > Snapping > Edit Snapping to open the Edit Snapping dialog box. If the Snap Align settings aren't visible in the dialog box, click the Advanced/Basic button (see Figure 8).
- To adjust the way in which the Snap Align feature interacts with elements and the Stage, specify the desired settings in the Snap Align Settings section of the dialog box:
- To display alignment guides when a dragged object reaches a specified distance from the edge of the Stage, enter a value in the Stage Border field.
- To display alignment guides when the top or bottom edge of a dragged object reaches a specified distance from the top or bottom edge of another object, enter a value in the Vertical field under Object Spacing.
- To display alignment guides when the side of a dragged object reaches a specified distance from either side of another object, enter a value in the Horizontal field under Object Spacing.
- To display alignment guides when the center of a dragged object aligns horizontally and/or vertically with the center of another object, select Horizontal Center Alignment and/or Vertical Center Alignment, respectively, under Center Alignment.
Figure 8 Set the tolerance for Snap Align in the Advanced section of the Edit Snapping dialog box. The default settings are shown here.