- Using the Application frame
- Using tabbed document windows
- Arranging document windows
- Changing the zoom level
- Rotating the view
- Changing the screen mode
- Changing the color behind the image
- Configuring the panels
- Customizing the menus
- Saving workspaces
- Restoring the default workspace
- Using the Application bar
- Using the Options bar
Rotating the view ★
OpenGL is a cross-platform API (application programming interface), or language, for 2D and 3D computer graphics applications. It was developed by Silicon Graphics. To use the OpenGL features in Photoshop, such as animated zoom (see the sidebar below), flick panning (see the second tip on the previous page), or the Rotate View tool (discussed below), your system must contain a video driver or card that provides OpenGL acceleration. To enable OpenGL drawing in Photoshop, go to Preferences > Performance, and under GPU Settings, check Enable OpenGL Drawing.
The Rotate View tool rotates the canvas view temporarily, to, say, facilitate drawing or painting at a particular angle, without permanently rotating the image, as the Image > Image Rotation commands do.
To rotate the canvas by using the Rotate View tool: ★
- Choose the Rotate View tool (R), or hold down R for a temporary Rotate View tool.
- Do either of the following:
Drag in the image.A
On the Options bar, enter a Rotation Angle value, use the scrubby slider, or move the dial.
To reset the canvas to the default angle: ★
- Choose the Rotate View tool (R).
- Click Reset View on the Options bar.