Edit Masked Objects
Finally, for the layout we want to fade the bouquet image so that it is very light behind the content we’ll be adding later.
To edit a masked object, you must temporarily turn the masking off by unlocking the two layers that make up the mask.
The full bouquet image and the black rectangle are now visible on the Stage.
To adjust transparency, or Alpha, of an object, it must be converted to a symbol.
With the Selection tool, click to select the bouquet image.
Choose Modify > Convert to Symbol, or press . In the Convert to Symbol dialog, name the symbol gr_bouquetImage and select Graphic as the Type. Click Library root and place the new symbol in the framework parts folder. Click Select and then click OK in the Convert to Symbol dialog.
The bitmap image is faded the way we want.
To turn masking back on, click in the Lock column of the bouquet mask and bouquet layers.
In the Edit Bar click Scene 1 to exit symbol-editing mode.
That’s it! Our layout framework is now complete.