Client Management in Xsan
- Controlling Client Access
- Mounting and Unmounting an Xsan Volume
- Moving a Client to a Different SAN
- Controlling User Access
- Using POSIX and ACLs
- Managing Home Folders
- Setting SAN User and Group Quotas
- Understanding Xsan Quotas
- Combining Xsan Controllers and StorNext Clients
- What Youve Learned
- References
- Review Questions
The volume has been created and mounted. For all intents and purposes, the SAN volume is functioning. Now you’re prepared to make the volume usable. Therefore, you must fully understand how to manage clients and users based on the access requirements of your environment. For example, a post-production house that has multiple projects running concurrently would have different management needs than a post-production house with only a single project.
When you have finished this chapter, you should be able to manage clients and users to meet workflow needs.
Controlling Client Access
The first step toward controlling Xsan client access is to determine whether that client needs direct (fiber) access to the data on the Xsan volume. This is SAN-level control. If the client does not need direct access to the volume’s data, the client workstation can access data through a file server or other SAN client. However, if the user does need direct access, the client workstation will need to be a SAN client.
If you have determined that a client needs access to the SAN via fiber, you can control which volume is mounted in a multivolume SAN, and whether that client has read/write access or only read access to that volume.
Adding an Xsan Client
Before a computer can use a SAN volume, you need to add the computer to the SAN as a client. You can give client workstations direct access to the SAN by following the steps in this exercise.
- Connect the client to the SAN’s Fibre Channel and Ethernet networks.
- Install the Xsan software on the client.
- Open Xsan Admin. In the SAN Assets list, choose Computers, and click the Add (+) button.
- In the Add Computers pane of the assistant, verify that the checkbox for the new client in the list is selected, and click Continue. If the client isn’t in the list, click Add Remote Computer to add it.
- In the Authenticate Clients pane, enter the administrator name and password for the client, and click Continue.
- If no licenses are available, the Licenses pane appears. You can add a license in the pane.
- In the Choose Metadata Controllers pane, verify that the checkbox next to the new client in the list is deselected, and click Continue.
- In the Summary pane, click Continue.
Adding an Xsan Serial Number
If you have purchased additional Xsan software serial numbers for SAN client computers, you can enter those numbers using Xsan Admin.
- In Xsan Admin, in the SAN Assets list, choose Serial Numbers.
- Click the Add (+) button.
- In the dialog that opens, type the serial number, registered owner, and organization information provided by Apple, and click OK.
Removing an Xsan Client
At some point, it may be necessary to remove a client workstation from the SAN. You can remove a client computer from a SAN to prevent it from accessing SAN volumes.
- In Xsan Admin, in the SAN Assets list, select Computers. Select the client and, from the Action (gear) pop-up menu, choose
“Remove computer from SAN.”
If SAN volumes are mounted on the client, Xsan Admin unmounts them automatically.
- To remove the Xsan software from the computer, insert the Xsan installation disc in the client computer and double-click Uninstall Xsan.pkg.
- To prevent any possible connection to the SAN, physically disconnect the client computer from the SAN’s Ethernet and Fibre Channel networks.