Removing unwanted intruders
The Photomerge Scene Cleaner helps you improve a photo by removing passing cars, tourists, and other unwanted elements. This feature works best when you have several shots of the same scene, and when the objects that you wish to remove were moving. In fact, when you’re sightseeing you should deliberately take a few extra shots of any busy scene so that later you can use the Photomerge Scene Cleaner to put together an unobstructed view.
Using the Scene Cleaner tool
In this first exercise, you’ll politely remove a tourist who walked into shot at just the wrong moment.
- In the Organizer, click the Find box next to the Lesson 10 keyword tag in the Keyword Tags palette. In the Photo Browser, Ctrl-click to select the images 10_03_a.jpg and 10_03_b.jpg. Click the Editor button at the top right corner of the Organizer window and choose Full Edit from the menu.
- In the Editor, Ctrl-click to select both photos in the Photo Bin, and then choose File > New > Photomerge Scene Cleaner. Wait while Photoshop Elements auto-aligns the photos.
- The first image in the Photo Bin, 10_03_b.jpg (framed in blue), has been loaded as the Source image. Drag the image framed in yellow, 10_03_a.jpg, into the Final pane. This is the image we will clean: the base image for your composite.
- Zoom in and use the Hand tool to position the images so that you can see the lower right corner. Scroll down in the Photomerge Scene Cleaner Guided Edit panel so that you can see the tools at the bottom.
- Select the Pencil tool (
) in the Photomerge Scene Cleaner panel and drag a line through the man’s head in the foreground of the Final image.
- Move the pointer away from the image window and wait a moment while information is copied from the source photo to cover the unwanted area in the Final image.
- Click the Fit Screen button above the edit window. You can see that the Source image has some information across the top and down the right hand side of the photo that is missing from the Final image. Make sure the Pencil tool is selected, and then drag a line through those areas in either image. (See the illustration on the next page.)
- Working with only two images, there’s not a lot more we can do. Click Done in the Photomerge Scene Cleaner panel, and then click the Fit Screen button above the edit window.
- You can see that there are small empty patches in both the top left corner and the bottom right corner of the photo. You can crop the image to remedy that. Choose Image > Crop and drag the corner handles of the cropping rectangle to maximize the image while avoiding the empty areas. When you’re satisfied, click the Commit button in the corner of the bounding box.
- Choose File > Save. Name the file 10_03_Work and save it to your My CIB Work folder, in Photoshop (PSD) format with the Layers option activated. Choose File > Close All and return to the Organizer.