Hollywood Movie Titles: The Star Wars Title Effect
- Introduction
- Flying Solo: Preparing the Project
- Creating Your Long Ago Text
- Building Your Opening Logo
- Animating Your Logo
- Flying Solo: Preparing Your Scrolling Text
- Making the Scrolling Text Scroll
- Changing the Speed
- Transforming the Shape of the Scrolling Text
- Animating the Scrolling Text
- Flying Solo: Adding the Star Wars Theme Music
- Flying Solo: Adding Some Project Polish
- Making Adjustments, Rendering, and Exporting
Fascination with George Lucas’s Star Wars movies continues decades after their release and will never really leave us. In this chapter, you learn how to create your own vanishing logo and epic “scrolling story” just like the ones you’ve come to know and love from the Star Wars movies.
You don’t need any special equipment or additional software to create this effect, but on the DVD supplied with this book you will find a star field background (complete with a supernova!) provided courtesy of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
You’ll also find the jedifont.ttf font on the DVD; you should have already installed this in Chapter 2. Finally, the DVD includes a WAV sample file, 244325_OpeningCreditsWilliams.wav, from the www.StockMusicSite.com web site, which offers many more musical tunes at very reasonable prices. Remember, this is only a sample to give your work that air of authenticity; it is illegal to distribute this with any money-making project.
Although we’ve supplied you with a convincing starfield, think outside the galaxy on this. You can superimpose your Star Warsian title across any background, including stills and video clips from the videos that you took; they don’t need to be from outer space necessarily. In addition, feel free to change the music to anything you like. As long as the music has punch, it will work just fine and will make the title sequence truly your own.