- What Is the 'Replicator' Effect?
- Filming Tips
- Step 1: Setting Up Your Project
- Step 2: Adding the Media to the Project and the Timeline
- Step 3: Creating a Clean Background and Cleaning the Scene
- Step 4: Marking the 'Appearing' Point for the Cup
- Step 5: Creating a Fading Mask
- Step 6: Adding the Beam of Shimmering Light
- Final Steps: Test Render and Add Sound
- Resources
Final Steps: Test Render and Add Sound
You should now have a cool-looking effect with the cup or glass fading in from nothing, along with a beam of light fading in and out to enhance your replicator. Once you've finished tweaking exactly where the opacity levels start and finish, you can try a quick test render by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Once the render has finished, press the spacebar to see the effect in motion.
When you're happy with the visual effect, you may want to add some sound effects. Suggested effects include the double-beep the computer makes before the glass or cup appears, and a sound effect that could be used to enhance the shimmering beam of light.
When your project is complete, press Ctrl-S to save it, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard to render the movie again, if necessary. Once the render has completed, save the project as an AVI file by selecting File > Export > Movie (see Figure 31).