- Server Concepts
- Installation
- Hello World
- Administration Panel
One of ElectroServer’s biggest strengths lies in the fact that it is multi-platform. In this section, we will show you how to install it on some of the supported platforms. For all installation explanations in this chapter, we will be using ElectroServer 4.0.6.
The following instructions pertain to Windows XP and Windows Vista.
- Download and run the ElectroServer_4_0_6_Windows.exe installer from the ElectroServer website.
- Follow the prompts until you reach the Select Components prompt. Leave everything checked, as these options will provide you with further reading materials and examples not within the scope of this book.
- Continue with prompts, leaving everything at default until you reach the Select Server Mode prompt. Choose Professional mode.
- At the Web Server prompt, note the defaults for later reference, and click Next. The values here can be changed later if you so desire.
- For the Administrator User prompt, leave it at the default values. The default administrator user is name is administrator, and the password is password. You will want to change this if you intend to share your server with the outside world. You can change the default user later, as well as add additional users. For now, click Next.
- When asked to install as a Windows service, leave this unchecked, click Next, and grab yourself a cup of coffee as ElectroServer installs.
- Once it has completed, click Finish, and you will be ready to use your freshly installed ElectroServer.
- Go to the Windows Start menu, and navigate to Programs > ElectroServer 4.0.6. From this menu, choose Start ElectroServer.
ElectroServer will launch into a console window. This will provide an output for any messages that ElectroServer may need to display to you.
Linux / UNIX Variants
The following instructions pertain to CentOs, Fedora, and other distributions that support RPM.
- For CentOS, Fedora, or any other RPM-supporting distribution, select the ElectroServer_4_0_6_linux.rpm package. For any other distribution, select the ElectroServer_4_0_6_unix.tar.gz tarball package.
- To install for CentOS, Fedora, or any other RPM-supporting distribution, either use the package manager provided in your OS, or install it from the command line as follows:
rpm -i
- To install for any other distribution, either extract it with your unpacker of choice, or do so from the command line using
this command:
tar -xvzf
- To install for CentOS, Fedora, or any other RPM-supporting distribution, either use the package manager provided in your OS, or install it from the command line as follows:
- After the package has been unpacked, you are ready to run ElectroServer. All of the defaults from the Windows installation apply here, so there is minimal configuration to do.
- Navigate to the directory of your new installation:
- If you have unpacked using the tarball package, navigate to the ElectroServer_4_0_6 directory.
- If you have installed an RPM distribution, navigate to the /opt/ElectroServer_4_0_6 directory.
Within the appropriate directory, you will find three shell scripts: ElectroServer, GatewayServer, and RegistryServer.
- Run the ElectroServer script using the following command:
ElectroServer should now be up and running from within a console window. This will give you a display for any messages that ElectroServer may need to tell you about.
Mac OS X
For the Mac OS X installation, follow the directions used for the non-RPM Linux installation. Please note that if your version of Mac OS X is earlier than 10.5, you will need to update in order to take advantage of Java VM version 6 update 7 or later.