Surfin' Safari: Using the Safari Web Browser on Your iPhone
- Launching SafariThe iPhones Web Browser
- Getting Around a Webpage
- Going Back and Forth Between Pages
- Getting a New Page and Closing a Page
- Moving Between Pages in Safari
- Using Your Bookmarks
- Adding a Bookmark
- Editing and Deleting a Bookmark
- Adding or Removing a Direct Web Link Icon
- Using Google Search
- Viewing Your Pages Horizontally
- Dialing a Phone Number on a Webpage
- Viewing RSS Feeds on Your iPhone
- Filling in an Online Form on Your iPhone
Now you gotta admit—the Beach Boys’ classic hit “Surfin’ Safari” is just about as perfect a title for a chapter on using
the Safari Web browser as you can get. But as you know, that’s where the cohesiveness ends on this page, because the rest
of this paragraph really has nothing to do with browsing the Web, or safaris, or even the iPhone for that matter. That’s right,
this is my “special time” where you and I get to bond on a level that I normally reserve only for close personal friends and
men’s room attendants. You see, when someone has read as much of this book as you have, a very magical thing happens. It’s
a magical moment of extreme clarity we both share simultaneously (but not at the same time), and although we experience this
together, we do it totally separately, but still as one (which isn’t easy to do). For example, it’s that moment when you realize
that you’ve already invested so much time in this book that you really can’t stop now and you’re “in it for the long haul.”
For me, it’s the moment when I realize that you’ve had the book so long now you can’t really return it for a refund. You see,
it really is magical. So, put down the book, and take just a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and just let your
mind drift off to a place where it doesn’t matter that the chapter introduction doesn’t actually relate to the content in
the coming chapter. That type of thing no longer matters to you because in your mind you’re finally free—free to finally reach
out and touch that existential neo-ocular nirvana that can only happen in Seattle. I have no idea how to end this gracefully.
Hey! Quick—look over there!
Launching Safari—The iPhone’s Web Browser
Safari is the iPhone’s Web browser. To launch it, go to the Home screen and tap on Safari at the bottom of the screen. The first time you launch Safari, it will launch to a blank screen with an Address Bar at the top. Tap in the Address Bar to bring up the keyboard and type in the Web address that you want to go to. There is a .com button on the keyboard to help you complete your Web address. Once you have the address typed in, you can tap the Go button to go to it. If you tap on the Address Bar to type in another address and there is one already there, clear it by tapping the X in a gray circle to the right of the address. Safari also will launch automatically when you tap on a Web address in one of the other apps.