Left Behind
In a way, I think of this book like a travel guidebook that inspires you to embark on an adventure. And while the book seeks to lead the way, the secret mission is that this gets left behind. The best adventures do not occur by following someone else’s path. They happen when you make your own. True camera creativity is exactly the same. This chapter and the ones that follow are simply a springboard to get you started.
There will inevitably be times when you get stuck in a rut. Often this happens as a result of accidental neglect. We forget about inspiring ideas and when left alone they grow mold. The mold takes over and turns ideas into regulations and rules.
When you find yourself in this spot, remember that the finest photographers don’t ever give up and they never ever arrive. Revisit the pages that captivate you most, like opening a window to let some fresh air in. Don’t stay in your comfortable seat—true camera creativity requires that you go outside. With camera in hand, let the fresh outdoor air fill your lungs and revitalize what you see.