- What is the 'Great Balls of Fire' Effect?
- Filming Tips
- Step 1: Setting Up Your Project
- Step 2: Adding the Media to the Project and the Timeline
- Step 3: Marking the 'Flame On' Point for Adding the Fire Footage
- Step 4: Adding the Fire Clip to the Timeline
- Step 5: Repositioning the Fire to Match the Ball
- Step 6: Tracking the Fire to the Movement of the Ball
- Final Steps: Test Render and Add Sound
- Resources
Step 1: Setting Up Your Project
To get started, you need to open Premiere Elements 7, create a new project, and set up the Timeline. These first steps are typical when starting any project; if you've been following all the other tutorials in this series, you should be very familiar with the process by now.
Task: Set up a new project in Premiere Elements 7 by doing the following:
- Launch Premiere Elements 7 in the usual way.
- At the opening splash screen, select New Project.
- Create a project called Balls_of_Fire.
- When the Premiere Elements interface has finished loading, click the Timeline button to switch to the Timeline view (see Figure 2).
- Right-click the Timeline header Video 1 and select Rename from the contextual menu (see Figure 3). Assign the new name Main_Video (see Figure 4).
- Repeat step 5, renaming Video 2 as Fire (see Figure 5).