- What Is the Replacement TV Effect?
- Filming Tips
- Step 1: Setting Up Your Project
- Step 2: Adding the Media to the Project and the Timeline
- Step 3: Marking the Point for the First Channel to Appear
- Step 4: Adding the First Channel and Applying the Corner Pin Effect
- Step 5: Adding the Second Channel
- Final Steps: Test Render and Add Sound
- Resources
Final Steps: Test Render and Add Sound
At this stage, you now have the start of a very cool-looking effect, with the TV springing to life with your pre-shot material, then changing channel at the flick of a remote button. To enhance the effect further, you can add a sound effect of the remote button being pressed and also different music for the backing tracks of each channel.
Once you've finished tweaking and adjusting the various parameters, you can try a quick test render by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. Once the render has finished, press the spacebar to see the effect in motion.
With the visual and audio elements set to your taste, press Ctrl+S to save the project, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard to render the movie again if necessary. Once the render has completed, save the project as an AVI file by selecting File > Export > Movie (see Figure 21).