- iMovie's Share Menu
- Share a Movie on YouTube
- Use iMovie to Share Videos on MobileMe Gallery
- Use iMovie to Share Videos on Your iPhone
- Summary
Use iMovie to Share Videos on Your iPhone
One of the most fun ways to share a video is to carry it around on your iPhone and play it for someone in person, without worrying about the speed of your connection. It's fast. It's convenient. It's iPhoneable.
- In iMovie, select a movie project in the Project Library (the upper-left pane of the iMovie window).
- Choose Share > Export. iMovie opens the sheet shown in Figure 13. In the Export As field, provide a name for the file. In the Where pop-up menu, choose the location where you want to save the movie file.
- Choose Mobile as the size you want to export. The blue dots indicate which devices are suitable for this size.
- Click the Export button.
- Go to the location where you saved the movie file. Double-click the movie file icon to place and play the movie in iTunes. iTunes automatically puts the movie in the Movies category of the iTunes Library (in the iTunes sidebar).
Figure 13 iMovie's Export dialog sheet.
Now you can use iTunes to sync your movie to the iPhone. Perfect for showing your friends how your MaltiPoo gets dressed for her walk (see Figure 14).
Figure 14 The iPhone video looks great and is always with you.