- Displaying the style rendering toolbar
- Converting an existing style sheet for print
- Hiding unwanted page areas
- Removing unneeded styles
Converting an existing style sheet for print
Although you can develop a print style sheet from scratch, it’s usually much faster to convert an existing screen-media style sheet. The first step is to save the existing external style sheet under a new name.
- In the Files panel, double-click mygreen_styles.css to open it.
- Choose File > Save As.
- When the Save As dialog box opens, type print_styles.css in the File Name/ Save As field. Make sure the site root folder is targeted. Click Save.
- If necessary, open mylayout.html from the site root folder. In the CSS Styles panel, click the Attach Style Sheet icon.
- Click Browse.
- Select print_styles.css from the site root folder. Click OK/Choose.
- In the Attach External Style Sheet dialog box, select the Link option for the Add As value. From the Media field menu, choose print. Click OK.
- In the CSS Styles panel, click the All button, if necessary.
- Close print_styles.css and mygreen_styles.css.
- Save mylayout.html.
The Attach External Style Sheet dialog box opens
The Select Style Sheet File dialog box appears.
A new entry—print_styles.css—has been added. At the moment, both style sheets are identical. You will modify the print sheet in the next exercise.