Smooth animated transitions
Reproducing film-like transitions in web applications used to be a time-consuming, specialized task for computer animators. But with the introduction of Flash Catalyst, designers can now produce smooth, professional-looking animated transitions with the click of a button.
Transitions are animations that play once as the user moves from one page or component state to another. Transitions can include simple fades, as well as animated effects like moving an object across the screen, morphing an object from one shape to another, or resizing images.
In Flash Catalyst, you can add transitions simply by changing the existence or properties of objects from one state to the next. For example, a Fade transition appears when an object is present or visible in one page but not in another. A move transition appears when you change the position of objects. Just click the Smooth Transition button in the Flash Catalyst Timelines panel to apply default transition settings and the smooth animated transition becomes apparent. You can then adjust the timing and duration of the transition in the timeline or Properties panel.