The Trimming Process
As you fine-tune your sequence’s pacing by trimming, you will usually first focus on your audio. Then, when you get the audio timing perfected, you can focus on video transitions and continuity. When you get the audio timing and pacing right, then you can edit the video with a proper focus on what should be seen and when. This first audio-centric pass is often referred to as the radio edit.
When performing the radio edit, you should take time to analyze each transition and ask a few questions:
- Does this cut work as it exists now?
- If it doesn’t work, which side needs tightening or lengthening?
- Does the A-side need to end sooner or later than it does?
- Does the B-side need to begin sooner or later than it does?
The radio edit pass is most often performed using single-roller trims, because it’s best to isolate and focus on one side of a transition before addressing the other side of the transition.
The second video-centric pass, on the other hand, is usually performed using dual-roller trim because you want to maintain sync and leave your perfected audio timing unaltered.