Importing assets
In Lesson 1, your project started with links to video clips (assets) that had already been placed in the Project panel. Adding those links to the Project panel—importing assets, in Adobe Premiere Pro parlance—is easy. But you should keep a few issues in mind. This exercise will cover the how-tos of importing and the issues you’re most likely to encounter.
You’ll import all four standard media types: video, audio, graphics, and still images. You’ll see two importing methods and take a look at the properties of audio and graphic files.
You can continue where you left off, or you can open Lesson 02-01.prproj from the Lesson 02 folder.
You should see the standard Adobe Premiere Pro opening workspace. All the frames should be empty except for the Sequence 01 item in the Project panel and in the Timeline.
- Choose File > Import.
- Navigate to the Lessons/Assets folder, and select the .jpg, .mp3, .ai, and two .mpeg clips, as shown here. Then click Open. This will import (create links from) these files to the Adobe Premiere Pro Project panel.
- In the Project panel, double-click the empty space below the newly added clips.
You’ll import files from a different file folder, demonstrating that you don’t have to keep all your assets in the same place. The Project panel simply lists links to your assets, wherever they may be.
- Navigate to the Lessons/Assets/More Assets folder. Select movie_logo.psd, and then click Open.
For the Adobe Photoshop file, an Import Layered File dialog appears.
- Choose Sequence from the Import As menu, and click OK.
You could have selected one of the Merge Layer options to import the Photoshop image into a single layer. Choosing Sequence does two things:
- Adds a file folder to your Project panel with all the Photoshop CS5 layers listed as separate clips
- Creates a new sequence with all the layers on separate video tracks
- Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) Medieval_Axe.mp3 in the Project panel, and choose Properties from the context menu to see information about the file.
- Close the Properties dialog.
- Another way to see information about an asset is with the Info panel. Click the Info panel located in the lower-left area of the workspace. Now click various assets in the Project panel to observe the properties being displayed in the Info panel.