Mixing colors
You’ve used wet and dry brushes, changed brush settings, and mixed the paint with the background color. Now, you’ll focus more on mixing colors with each other as you add paint to the painter’s palette.
- Zoom out just enough to see the full palette and the paint tubes.
- Select the Paint mix layer in the Layers panel, so the color you paint won’t blend with the brown palette on the Background layer.
The Mixer Brush mixes colors only on the active layer unless you select Sample All Layers in the options bar.
- Sample the red color from the red paint tube. Select the round blunt brush in the Brush panel (the fifth brush). Then select Wet from the pop-up menu in the options bar, and paint in the top circle on the palette.
- Click the Clean Brush After Every Stroke icon (
) in the options bar to deselect it.
- Sample the blue color from the blue paint tube, and then paint in the same circle, mixing the red with the blue to make purple.
- Paint in the next circle. You’re painting in purple because the paint stays on the brush until you clean it.
- In the options bar, choose Clean Brush from the Current Brush Load pop-up menu. The preview changes to indicate transparency, meaning the brush has no paint loaded.
To remove the paint load from a brush, you can choose Clean Brush in the options bar. To replace the paint load in a brush, sample a different color.
If you want Photoshop to clean the brush after each stroke, select the Clean Brush icon in the options bar. To load the brush with the foreground color after each stroke, select the Load Brush icon in the options bar. By default, both of these options are selected.
- Choose Load Brush from the Current Brush Load pop-up menu in the options bar to load the brush with blue paint. Paint blue in half of the next circle.
- Sample the yellow color from the yellow paint tube, and paint over the blue with a wet brush to mix the two colors.
- Fill the last circle with yellow and red paint, mixing the two with a wet brush to create an orange color.
- Hide the Circles layer in the Layers panel to remove the outlines on the palette.
- Choose File > Save.