- Working with the Trim Edit Window
- Performing Dual-Roller and Single-Roller Trimming
- Using J-K-L Trimming
- Dragging Edit Points
- Trimming in the Timeline
- Using Asymmetrical Trimming
- Trimming in the Viewer
- What Youve Learned
Performing Dual-Roller and Single-Roller Trimming
Avid has purple rollers in the Timeline that indicate a dual-roller or single-roller trim. The Final Cut Pro Timeline display for dual- and single-sided editing is very similar to Avid’s. You see the similar types of A-side and B-side “rollers” around the edit point in the Timeline.
As with Avid’s purple “active” bars in its Trim mode window, a green “active” bar above an image in the FCP Trim Edit window indicates that it will be adjusted in the trim. One green bar over either the A- or B-side image indicates a single-roller trim; green bars over both images indicate a dual-roller trim.
As in Avid, clicking one side or the other of the FCP Trim Edit window selects a single-roller trim mode. Clicking the space between the two images selects a dual-roller trim mode. When these selections are made, the Timeline edit point reflects the active side or sides, just as in Avid.
Dual-Roller Editing
Whereas Avid has its dual-roller trim mode, FCP has its Roll tool, which appears when the pointer moves between the A and B images in the Trim Edit window. Click in the center of the Trim Edit window to select a roll edit (dual-roller mode). A green bar appears above both images.
Single-Roller Editing
The equivalent of Avid’s single-roller mode is the FCP Ripple tool, which appears when the pointer moves into the A- or B-side image in the Trim Edit window. Click the left or right image to select single-roller mode. A green bar appears above the selected side of the edit point. FCP refers to this as a ripple edit because it pulls up or pushes back (ripples) the other clips in the sequence by the amount of the trim without leaving any gaps.
You have several ways to perform a roll (dual-roller trim mode) or ripple (single-roller trim mode) type of trim in FCP. The following are a few methods; others are discussed in the following pages.
To trim numerically:
- Click either the A- or B-side clip to work with the Ripple (single-roller) tool, or click between the two images to work with the Roll (double-sided roller) tool.
- Click the minus (–) or plus (+) sign, and enter a trim amount in the Trim Edit window.
The trim amount is displayed in the Current Sequence Timecode field above the two image areas.
- Press Return.
All trim changes made in the Trim Edit window are reflected in the Timeline.
To trim using shortcuts:
With either a Ripple tool (single-roller) or Roll tool (dual-roller) selected, do one of the following:
- Press the Left or Right Bracket key ([ or ]) to trim one frame.
- Press the Left or Right Angle Bracket (< or >)—Avid’s Trim Left or Right keys—to trim one frame.
- To trim a designated multiframe trim amount (set in the Editing tab of User Preferences), press Shift-[ (Left Bracket) or Shift-] (Right Bracket). You can also press Shift-< or Shift-> (Right or Left Angle Bracket keys) to trim the multiframe amount.