Edit a Portfolio
You have a lot of editing possibilities for a portfolio, including adding other content such as YouTube videos; organizing content within the portfolio using folders; changing colors, themes, backgrounds; and much more. In this next section, you will learn about the different editing options and how to apply them.
Add More Content
First off, I’d like to show you how to add more content to the portfolio:
- With the portfolio open in Acrobat X Pro, make sure that you see the Layout pane content (click Layout in the upper-right corner of the application if you don’t see it).
- To add a web page to the portfolio, click Add Web Content. You can link to websites or embed video tags. Linking to web content is great because the content can reside outside of the PDF (video or web page), reducing the file size of the portfolio (see Figure 7).
Editing is broken down into categories or panels within the Layout pane. The first category is Add Content. This category allows you to add individual files, whole folders of files, web content (see tip below), and folders for organizing content. Make sure that you can see the options within the Add Content category (options such as Add Files, Add Folder, and more).
Figure 7 Add a web page to the portfolio
Once you add a web page, a placeholder thumbnail appears in the portfolio, allowing you to double-click the thumbnail and view the web page within the portfolio (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 Preview the web page
Figure 9 Add a YouTube video
Try Another Layout
At any time, you can also see what the portfolio looks like using another layout. Next, you’ll try another layout:
- Make sure that the Portfolio Layouts panel is showing its contents on the right side of the workspace. Click another layout name (such as Click-Through), and give the program a second to respond (see Figure 10). Try as many as you like, then return to the Wave layout.
- Choose File > Save Portfolio, and save the portfolio somewhere.
Figure 10 Try another layout
Edit the Visual Theme
Now that the content and layouts are finished, you can start to edit the design elements like colors and backgrounds. Next, you will edit the visual theme. A visual theme is a default portfolio design that controls the background, fonts, colors, images, and more. Acrobat comes with several default themes and allows you to create and use your own.
- While still in Edit mode, make sure that you can see the Visual Themes options in the Layout pane on the right (click Visual Themes if you don’t see the options, or scroll down).
- Click a new visual theme such as Tech Office to see the change in the portfolio (see Figure 11).
- Choose File > Save Portfolio.
Figure 11 Try another visual theme
Edit the Color Palette
Next, you will edit the color palettes for the portfolio. This allows you to override the colors used in a theme for things such as the borders, icons, and more.
- Click Add Content, Portfolio Layouts, and Visual Themes to minimize their content. Click Color Palettes in the Layout pane to view the options.
- Click another palette listed in the Palettes section to choose other colors (see Figure 12).
- To create a new color palette based on the selected color palette, click the Create from Existing button.
- Click Primary in the Create from Existing dialog box. Choose a color from the color ramp towards the top of the dialog box and click Save (see Figure 13). Notice the effect that color change has on the portfolio contents. To edit those colors again, you need to click Create from Existing again and make a new set. You can delete a color palette from the custom palettes by positioning the pointer over one of them in the list and clicking the X that appears.
- Choose File > Save Portfolio.
Figure 12 Apply a color palette
Figure 13 Make a custom color palette
Edit the Background Options
Next, you will edit the background options of the portfolio. By editing the background options, you can control the background image, color, opacity, and more. Utilizing these options is a great way to customize your portfolio and make it easier to brand your content.
- Click Color Palettes in the Layout pane on the right to minimize it. Click Background to show the background options.
- In the Background Image category, choose None from the menu (see Figure 14). This removes the background image and allows you to see and edit the background color.
- In the Background Color category, choose a color type (Solid Fill, Linear Gradient, or Radial Gradient). We chose Radial Gradient.
- Click the color box to the left of the menu and choose a color (see Figure 15).
- Next, you will add a custom background image. Choose Choose New from the Background Image menu.
- In the Select Background Image dialog box, choose an image and click Open.
- You can change the image scale, position, opacity, and blur. Try adjusting each. The Image Scale option allows you to fit the image (Show All), tile it (Tiled), fill the background (No Border), and place it as the original size (Actual Size) (see Figure 16).
- Choose File > Save Portfolio.
The Tech Office theme selected has a background image in the portfolio. In the background options, you will see Background Color and Background Image options. If a background image is set, it appears on top of the background color. In the case of the Tech Office theme, the background image is large enough to cover the entire background color.
Figure 14 Remove the background image
Figure 15 Edit the background color
Figure 16 Adjust the custom background image
Choose a Font
The last part of editing the appearance of the portfolio has to do with the fonts used. In the Portfolio Properties options in the Layout pane, you can choose another font to use for the portfolio names, etc. by choosing one from the Font: menu (see Figure 17). You can (and should) also select Embed Fonts below the menu to ensure that the fonts are seen by all. Be careful, though, because embedding fonts will add file size. So try choosing a new font and embedding, saving as a different file name, and see the file difference. Then return to the original portfolio and make sure you are in editing mode.
Figure 17 Changing fonts
Edit the Detail Information
Notice that you have two preview modes: Layout and Files. The Layout preview mode is default and shows you the thumbnails and design you just set up. The Files mode shows a list view of the files in the portfolio. In this last part, you will learn how to edit the detail information in the portfolio.
- Click the Preview button to preview the file.
- Click the Files button to see the files in list view. Notice the columns such as Name and Description. You can sort these columns by clicking the column heading. You can also change what columns appear as well as the information that appears in those columns for each file, which is what you will do next (see Figure 18).
- Click the Edit button to edit the Files view. Make sure that Details pane is selected.
- Click in a field in the Name column and notice that you can edit the text.
- In the Details pane, click the checkmark to the left of Description to hide the content (see Figure 19). You can hide any of the columns when the viewer looks at the portfolio in Files Preview mode. You can also delete certain columns permanently by positioning the pointer over the column name in the Details pane and clicking the X that appears. Also, if you want to change the name of a column (like Size), you can click the column name in the Columns to Display options and type a new name. To reorder the columns, select a column name in the Details pane and click the up or down reorder arrows below the Columns to Display options.
- Lastly, you can sort the information by one of the columns. Choose a column from the Initial Sort menu to sort by that information.
- Click the Preview button, and then the Files button (if not selected) to see the results.
- Choose File > Save Portfolio.
Figure 18 The Files preview mode
Figure 19 Edit the portfolio details