Pasting Text from Office to OneNote
You can cut or copy content from any Office application and paste it into OneNote. In fact, you can cut or copy content from any application that supports cut or copy and paste it into OneNote. In many cases, the format is retained when you paste the content into OneNote, including fonts, colors, bullets, and highlighting.
In addition, you can have an impact on what gets pasted into OneNote by setting paste options on the Paste Smart Tag.
To copy and paste to OneNote:
In an open file, select the text, images, or tables that you want to copy (Figure 9.4).
Either right-click and choose Copy or press Ctrl+C.
Open OneNote if it's not already open, or click the taskbar icon to bring it up on the screen; then either right-click and choose Paste or press Ctrl+P to paste the copied content into your note (Figure 9.5).
9.4 Copy content from any application.
9.5 Paste the copied content into OneNote.
To set the Paste Smart Tag:
Click the Paste Smart Tag button (Figure 9.6) to open the menu of Smart Tag options.
Choose one of the following options:
Keep Source Formatting: Retains the original formatting.
Match Destination Formatting: Matches the format of your note.
Keep Text Only: Keeps only the text (removes all formatting). Table and cell gridlines are not pasted into OneNote when you paste as text; only the content is inserted, with tabs separating the fields.
Paste as Picture: Converts the content to an image, preserving table and cell formatting and, in the case of content copied from Word, keeps the margin and page width used in the original document. When cells are pasted as a picture, the data is not editable (Figure 9.7).
To set your chosen format as the default paste format, after using the Paste Smart Tag to change the format, click it a second time and choose Set as Default Paste.
9.6 Paste Smart Tag options; you can set the default paste action using
these options.
9.7 Use Paste as Picture and Keep Source Formatting to retain the look
of the original item.
Font formatting is retained, unless you choose Keep Text Only from the Paste Smart Tag options.
When you select Paste as Picture and convert Word or Excel tables to pictures, you'll usually need to reduce the size of the picture when it's an Excel table or enlarge it when it's a Word table. Use the resize handles to change the size.
Some items, such as Excel charts and graphs, are inserted only as images, while other items, such as Word Art, let you choose to paste using source formatting or to paste as a picture. You'll get a higher-quality image if you choose Paste as Picture (Figure 9.8).
9.8 Choosing Paste as Picture often results in a higher-quality image
than Keep Source Formatting.
OneNote doesn't support embedding of objects, which means that you can't edit a chart or Word Art from a OneNote file.