Yep, It's That Easy
So now you want to get to the point of this article, right? Well, don't get pushy. Follow the yellow brick road:
Open Flash and create a new, blank document. Save it as streaming_video.fla to your desktop (the same directory as questions.flv).
Change the Stage dimensions to 600x300, and set the frame rate to 18.
Open the Components panel by choosing Window > Development Panels > Components.
Locate the set of Media Components in the Components panel and drag an instance of the Media Playback component to the Stage.
Resize the Media Playback component to 600x300 using the Property inspector, and position it to 0x0 so it perfectly covers the Stage, as shown in Figure 3.
Click the Launch Component Inspector button in the Property inspector.
In the Component Inspector panel, which is used to adjust properties of a component on the Stage, make sure that FLV is selected as the media type by clicking the FLV radio button.
Enter questions.flv into the URL field of the panel.
For Control Visibility, select On. The controller for the component appears on the Stage. When you're done, the settings in the panel should match Figure 4.
Save your work.
3 Hogging up the Stage with the Media Playback component.
4 Configure the heck out of the component.
You're all done!
What? You want to see the finished movie? Oh, OK.
Click the Stage once to deselect the component; then click the Settings button in the Property inspector.
In the Publish Settings dialog box, choose either Flash Player 6 or Flash Player 7 from the Version menu. The ActionScript used to create the Media Playback component is compatible with Flash Player 6, but it's a good idea to choose Optimize for Flash Player 6 r65 if publishing for Flash Player 6. That particular release of the player contained bug fixes and such that improve performance.
Click Publish; then click OK to close the dialog box.
Close streaming_video.fla.
Locate streaming_video.swf on your desktop (it was created when you pressed the Publish button) and double-click it to open it in the standalone version of the Flash Player that installed with Flash.
Be amazed as the 1Mb questions.flv file streams into the Flash movie and plays perfectly. You can even control the playback with the component's built-in controller.
Happy now? I thought so.