How Do You Spell Relief?
Flash has a spell-checker! Flash has a spell-checker!
I'm sure this fact is important to someone. I have impecable ... wait ... impecible ... no, that's not it ... impeccable(ah ... that's the one) spelling skills, but I realize from my pedestal up here that not everyone is as gifted as I am. If you happen to be one of the "alphabetically challenged", you'll be glad to know that Macromedia is here for you.
Take a look at Figure 3. There's a spelling mistake in it.
3 Being a geek is just my day job.
Now, type that same line onto the stage in a Flash document; then choose Text > Spelling Setup and check all the options you want.
When you're done, choose Text > Check Spelling. The dialog box that opens, shown in Figure 4, is pretty much just like the one in Microsoft Word. It shows you what it doesn't understand and thinks is a spelling mistake, and you choose to either ignore it or change it.
4 Now, if only the spell-checker knew what I was trying to spell ...
Cool, huh? Yeah. It's not perfect, but it's better than not having one at all.