How to Make Your Web Site More Effective
Many people publish a Web site at a Web address and think that their job is done. "Build it and they will come" might have worked in the early dotcom days, but it is certainly not an appropriate philosophy in today's Internet. Never fear: I'll give you some solid strategies for drawing customers to your site.
Make Your Site Known
If you want customers to visit your Web site, you need to do some legwork to get them there. To start, keep your URL visible, manage your links, and look for ways to use original content to draw visitors.
Publish Your Address
It is key to remind your customers of your Web address at every opportunity. Ensure that your URL is clearly displayed on every piece of paper or stationery and every promotional item (T-shirt, pen, book, and so on) that your customers receive from you. It should be on all invoices, proposals, newsletters, Christmas cards, business cards, company stationery, marketing and promotional materials, pens, calendars, company vehicles, annual reports, press releases, and advertisements in newspapers, the Yellow Pages, on the Internet, and so on.
Do not forget to also include it on every email sent out from your organization, especially on email newsletters, e-vites, e-cards, and email press releases.
Enforce a policy by which everyone in your company must change their email signature to a standard signature format that includes the URL (as well as phone contact information, address, and so on), and ensure that this signature goes out on every email. It is incredible how simple and effective this measure is, and yet how few companies do this.
Issue your sales staff pens, sticky notes, ties, brochures, and newsletters with your URL, and encourage them to display these and/or give them to any customer or potential customer they come into contact with.