Using the HSL/Color/B&W Panel
Overall, our results were not too bad, but let's take a different approach and see if we can make the image better. This time we're going to convert my virtual image using the B&W section of the HSL/Color/B&W Panel (Figure 4.13).
Figure 4.13 Converting using this method will give you more control than using the White Balance sliders.
- Convert the image using either B&W setting.
- Click Auto for the Tone setting, as we did in our previous conversion.
- Experiment by adjusting the color sliders.
There are two approaches to working with color sliders. First, you can simply move the sliders around and stop when you achieve a desired look. Or (my preferred method), you can use the Targeted Adjustment tool to select specific areas you wish to lighten or darken. You can darken or lighten the sky, for instance, by selecting it with this tool and using your keyboard's arrow keys.
To darken the sky, tap your down arrow key; to lighten, tap your up arrow key. For this image I darkened the sky (-81 blue slider) and lightened the rocks (+100 orange and +45 yellow slider) (Figure 4.14). Let's compare the two images (Figures 4.15 and 4.16).
Figure 4.14 I darkened the sky and lightened the rocks using the Targeted Adjustment tool.
Figure 4.15 I converted this image using the Basic panel and adjusted the Temp and Tint sliders.
Figure 4.16 I converted this image using the HSL/Color/B&W panel and adjusting the color sliders.