Make It Happen!
As simple and accessible as exposure compensation and white balance are, you'd be surprised how few people are actually aware of their existence. The next time you catch yourself looking at your LCD screen and thinking, "Oh, well. I'll just Photoshop it," stop yourself and think about whether you'd be better off just fixing it right then and there, in-camera. Then reach for your camera, make the necessary adjustments, and find another way to spend the time you would've spent fixing that photo in Photoshop. (Perhaps compositing a head-swapped alien invasion?)
Khara and her husband plan to take a cross-country bicycle trip in October 2011. To sign up for one of the classes she's planning to teach along the way in various sites across the U.S., visit the [UN]tour website. To learn about her plans for reducing the amount of gear she'll have to lug along while pedaling (and how you can drop some weight when taking your own travel pics), read her InformIT article "Travel Photography: Doing More with Less."