PDF Fixups
PDF Fixups are collected into their own category among the preflight profiles (Figure 7). These preflight profiles tell Acrobat to make changes to your PDF file, fixing problems before they happen. If you browse the list of Fixups, you’ll see they address a wide range of common problems: convert colors to sRGB (for electronic documents) or CMYK (for printed documents); reduce image resolution to make the file smaller; flatten transparency so the printing press won’t have a fit, and a gracious plenty more.
Figure 7 PDF Fixups are preflight profiles that direct the preflight engine to make specific changes to your file.
You use a Fixup profile exactly as you do any other preflight profile, with two exceptions:
- You click the Analyze and Fix button, rather than the Analyze button. (Actually, you can still click the latter button; Acrobat will analyze the file and display the report, but it won’t fix anything.)
- When you click the Analyze and Fix button, Acrobat will ask you to save the file with a new name (Figure 8). This way, your original PDF file remains untouched (and unfixed).
Figure 8 When you apply a PDF Fixup to a file, Acrobat will ask you to save the fixed up version so that your original file remains unsullied.