- Finding It
- Preflighting a File
- Preflight Profiles
- PDF Fixups
- Beware the Unexpected Fixup
- Next Time: Hand-Tooling Your Own
Beware the Unexpected Fixup
The fact is, most of the preflight profiles that Adobe supplies even the non-Fixup onesmake changes to your file. I’m currently working on an electronic book about Acrobat JavaScript, and I routinely preflight my PDF chapter files with the “Online Publishing (Optimize for Quality)” profile (Figure 9). This profile is not explicitly listed as a “Fixup,” but here is some of what it does:
Figure 9 The Online Publishing profile makes changes to a PDF file that makes it better fit for displaying on-screen. Notice the Edit button; that’s plot material for the next article.
- Compress everything using ZIP (lossless) compression.
- Convert color to sRGB.
- Discard page thumbnails.
- Discard a whole bunch of printing-specific stuff, such as halftone and job ticket information.
- Downsample images to something appropriate for online viewing.
- Remove objects that lie outside the page area.
The profile definition lists 25 separate changes that it directs the Preflight engine to apply to my PDF file. (There are no “Enliven Prose” or “Fix Humor” settings; I’ve looked.) These are all appropriate and worthwhile changes, but keep in mind that the fact that a profile is not marked as a Fixup doesn’t mean it leaves your file untouched.