Arriving at the Ceremony Site
Once you’ve finished shooting all the preparations and any pre-ceremony portraits, it’s time to head to the ceremony site and get ready for the main event. Aside from the ceremony decor, this is a great time to capture images of guests arriving, ushers handing out programs, kids playing, and family being seated (Figures 4.17 and 4.18). If it’s daylight, take the opportunity to shoot candid coverage of the guests—especially if it will be dark by the time cocktail hour comes around. I also try to capture images of the bride and wedding party arriving at the site and lining up for the processional. There are often wonderful moments between the bride and her parents before they take her down the aisle. The excitement and anticipation at this time is exhilarating!

Figure 4.17. I like to arrive at the ceremony site early enough to capture shots of the guests arriving.

Figure 4.18. In the moments just before the ceremony, the excitement is often tangible.