- No Finger-Pointing Allowed
- We Treat Content Like a Commodity
- We don't have Time to Make a Plan
- We Make Deadly Assumptions
- Content is Political
- It's All too Much and We'll Never Move Forward
We don’t have Time to Make a Plan
Do any of these statements sound familiar?
- “This needs to go on the home page.”
- “We should be on YouTube.”
- “I need this series of brochures converted for the web.”
- “We have to put our new mission statement in the About Us section.”
- “Let’s write another dozen articles next month.”
- “We have to launch a blog.”
Oh, really?
In your desire to deliver—to employers, clients, customers—you may tend to race right past strategy and into execution. It’s not that you’re not interested in doing the right thing. It’s simply that you’re under constant pressure to deliver, to do something you can show your boss (and your boss’s boss). You’re expected to churn out requests, tasks, initiatives, and documentation as quickly as possible. That leaves very little time to step back, take a breath, and ask: “Why are we doing all this in the first place?”
Creating content might be a good tactic, but it isn’t something you should do just because you can.