Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Tips: Which F-Stop to Use for HDR
Something photographers don’t agree on is exactly which f-stop to use, but everybody pretty much agrees you need to use an f-stop that keeps a lot of your image in focus. Personally, I generally shoot my HDR shots at f/11 and most of the pros I know use f/8, but if you go on the web and search for this, you’ll find people touting everything from f/1.8 to f/32. So, who is right? That’s easy. Me! (Kidding. Totally a joke.) People make great cases for all different f-stops for the particular subject they’re shooting, but if you’re new to this, why not try f/11 for starters? If you’re shooting indoors, though, try f/8 as f/11 may overexpose your images.