Finishing Touches
To make additional moves, deselect your original subject once you’re happy with its new location, then select a new item and repeat the process described earlier. Make note of whether you had to change the Adaptation setting in the first round of changes. If you did, try starting the subsequent moves with the same Adaptation setting you settled on the first time. This can save you additional time.
Here, I selected the area of exposed brick (Figure 7). Notice that I made sure not to exclude any of the plaster edges, as this could cause blending problems or create an unrealistic looking edge at the new location. I also included the weathered, darker areas around the edge to further enhance the realism.
Figure 7: Be sure to include any high contrast edge details in your selection so that Photoshop has an easier time creating a seamless texture.
Figure 8 shows the final Content-Aware move result for our first example. From this point only minor dodge and burn edits were required to finish up.
Figure 8: The image after only two Content-Aware Moves, with only minor retouches required to finish the image.