Editing and removing effects
Effects that are applied can easily be edited or removed. You can also quickly check whether any effects have been applied to an object.
First you’ll edit the gradient fill behind the restaurant title, and then you’ll remove the effects applied to one of the circles.
- In the Layers panel, make sure that the Art1 layer is unlocked and that it is visible.
- With the Selection tool (
), click the frame with the gradient fill that’s behind the text “bistro Nouveau.”
- With the Effects panel open,
click the FX button (
) at the bottom of the panel. In the menu that appears, the Gradient Feather effect has a check mark next to it, which indicates that it is already applied to the selected object. Choose the Gradient Feather option from the menu.
- In the Effects dialog box, under Gradient Stops, click the color stop (the small white square) at the right end of the gradient ramp. Change Opacity to 30%, and change Angle to 90°.
- Click OK to update the Gradient Feather effect.
- In the Layers panel, turn on visibility for all layers.
- With the Selection tool (
), click the small gray circle to the right and above the fish image on the right side of the page.
- At the bottom of the Effects
panel, click the Clear Effects
button (
) to remove all of the effects applied to the circle.
- Choose File > Save.
Now you will remove all of the effects applied to an object.
Congratulations! You have completed the lesson.