Closing Thoughts
Being an artist is invigorating, intimidating, essential, and one of the most valuable contributions we can make to this world. Working with composites allows you to imagine and create your own stories and meditations on the themes and concepts that matter to you. Keep your eyes open and your heart open as you move through the world, and be on the lookout for those things that move you, fill you with wonder, light a spark of anger, or raise questions in your mind.
Find what speaks to you, and then scan it, photograph it, write about it, place it on a shelf where you can see it every day, or pin it to a corkboard in your office. Live with it and with the ideas it suggests to you. Eventually, it will tell you what it needs. And don’t be concerned if this process takes longer than you thought it would. Ideas keep. They’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to take them out again. Explore the possibilities, and enjoy learning about yourself and the world around you.