- Introduction
- To set up a clickable image map
- To enhance hot spots
To enhance hot spots:
With a hot spot selected, click on the Border icon of the Image Inspector Map tab. A border appears around the hot spot, as shown in Figure 4.
Add a border to your hot spot with the border tool.
Click on the Map tab's Color icon to add color to the hot spot (Figure 5). This option is a convenience for the Web author. Hot spot colors do not appear within a user's browser.
Change the hot spot's color with the Color tool.
To use a different color, click the Select Color icon. The Color Palette appears, allowing you to choose a new color and drag it onto the Color icon.
To display a URL on the hot spot, click the URL icon (Figure 6).
Display a URL in the hot spot with the URL tool.
To remove a border, color, or URL, click the appropriate Map tab icon to toggle it off. You can use any combination of border, color, and URL with your image map.
You can use the Arrow icon to resize or move hot spots and the Bring Forward or Send to Back items to work with hot spots that overlap one another.