Changing the Outline
In the Outline pane, you can personalize the storyline text that accompanies your trailer. You’ll be able to customize elements such as the cast list, the release date of your movie, and a studio name and logo. Although every line item in the outline can be changed, the name you typed for the trailer is used for the title. You’ll start by changing the name of the lead character.
On the Cast Star line, click the name Jake and type My Dog.
Double-click the name Callahan to highlight it, and then type Nima.
You’ll also need to change the gender so that any titles using pronouns will use the correct pronoun.
- Choose Female for Nima’s gender.
- Change the studio name to BOW WOW FILMS (yes, you’re going to carry this dog theme pretty far).
- To change the studio logo, place the mouse pointer over the Snowy Mountain Peak. The viewing area shows the Snowy Mountain Peak studio logo, which—due to international copyright laws—looks similar but is clearly different from the logo of an actual large Hollywood movie studio.
- Click the Snowy Mountain Peak text. A menu of alternative imitation studio logos appears.
Select Spinning Earth in Space to change the current logo.
- In the Outline pane, scroll down to view the credits that will appear at the end of your trailer.
- Move the pointer over the credit text to preview the credits in the viewing area.
By default, iMovie fills in the credit list using the My Card setting in the address book of your Mac, but you can change each credit as necessary. You’ll leave that part for later, and move on to adding clips.