- Finding Unresolved Cross-References and Their Sources
- Using Find/Change to Determine the Source
- Resolving Cross-References That Are Hidden in Conditional Text
- About this Article
Using Find/Change to Determine the Source
Second, you can use Find/Change to find the cross-references in the current file that lost the connection to the source information above:
Select Edit > Find/Change. The Find/Change window appears.
Select Unresolved Cross-Reference from the Find drop-down menu. Click on Find. The first unresolved cross-reference is displayed in the Find text field and the cross-reference is selected (see Figure 2). Notice that the information displayed in the Find text field matches the information in the List of References, which was previously generated.
Look in the List of References for each found unresolved cross-reference. Notice the first found cross-reference, H1:2.2 Revision B, is the first item in the LOR. The LOR provides the name of the source file (techb.fm) and page number information as well.
Double-click the found unresolved cross-reference. The Cross-Reference window appears. Notice that the source type is Marker. The two lists in the Source pane are Marker Types and Cross-Reference Markers. Marker type is the default selection when you double-click on cross-references with lost connections to source information.
Click on the Source Type button and select Paragraphs from the pop-up menu. Paragraphs are selected as the source type. All paragraph tags in the selected document file are displayed in the Paragraph Tags list.
Select H1 from the Paragraph Tags list. Select H1 because H1 is the paragraph tag from the LOR that matches the unresolved cross-reference. All paragraphs tagged with H1 are displayed in the Paragraphs list on the right side.
In the Paragraphs list, look for a paragraph that matches the source information in the LOR or otherwise appears to be the missing source.
It turns out that there is a paragraph tagged H1 that begins "2.2 Revision B." This text matches the source shown in the LOR. Select that paragraph (as shown in Figure 3).
Click on the Replace button. The unresolved cross-reference is replaced with the new cross-reference.
Figure 2 You can find and change unresolved cross-references.
Select the correct format for this cross-reference from the Reference > Format drop-down list.
Figure 3 Reconnect the lost cross-reference to its source.
The foregoing example was easy to resolve, because there was a paragraph that matched the desired source information exactly. You may often need to do more detective work than was needed here to locate the material that should be the source.
Even when the exact source information is found, an unresolved cross-reference can often be a symptom of an underlying problem in the organization of your document. You should spend some thought on deciding what to do to solve the underlying problem so as to achieve the highest possible document quality.