Step 7: Finishing with Details
After adding the scumbling, I used the X-Soft Pastel Jitter Smooth to paint a few details, such the areas of light on the hills that were illuminated by full sunlight. To enhance the focal point of the painting, I painted brighter highlights on the areas that were catching the direct morning sun. For the highlights, I chose a light golden yellow, and I painted subtle strokes with a small X-Soft Round Pastel. As a last touch, I used a Pastel Pencil variant of Pastels to sketch the thin blue lines on the bridge. The detail of the painting shown in Figure 13 shows the final brushwork.
Figure 13 To paint the final details (such as the dots of bright light on the hill), I used a Pastel Pencil and a small X-Soft Round Pastel.
Good work! You have completed this project. I hope that you enjoyed painting with some of my favorite Pastels and Blenders brushes, and exploring Jitter Smoothing.
For another project that incorporates the Pastels brushes, see my article "Blending and Feathering with Pastels in Painter 2015." For a detailed overview of Painter, more examples of working with the Pastels, and other creative step-by-step projects, see The Painter Wow! Book, Tenth Edition. Another of my books, The Photoshop and Painter Artist Tablet Book: Creative Techniques in Digital Painting Using Wacom and the iPad, Second Edition, offers a rich variety of creative art projects.
Cher Pendarvis started with a child's fascination with art, and graduated from college with a BFA with Highest Honors and Distinction in Art, specializing in painting and printmaking. A pioneer of the electronic medium, Cher has worked alongside other notables from the early digital era, trailblazing the merging of traditional and digital art forms. Her digital illustrations have been published since 1987. Cher is widely recognized for her mastery of Painter and Photoshop. Her articles and art span nearly three decades of influential books and periodicals. She is principal of the consulting firm Cher Threinen Design, and authored all 10 editions of The Painter WOW! Book and both editions of The Photoshop and Painter Artist Tablet Book: Creative Techniques in Digital Painting Using Wacom and the iPad . Cher's artwork has been exhibited in group exhibitions and individual shows, and can be found in private collections in the United States and overseas. She is a member of the San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild and the Point Loma Artists Association. An encouraging teacher, she has taught art, illustration, and graphic design courses for colleges in San Diego, and she has conducted Painter and Photoshop workshops for professionals in print and broadcast media in the U.S. and overseas. To learn more about Cher, please visit her website at