- Converting Existing Paragraph Format Tags
- Converting Paragraph Tags with Format Overrides (*)
- Using Paragraph Designer Commands
- Using Find/Change
- Converting Character Tags
- Applying Character Tags to Styled Text
- Applying One Paragraph Designer Property to Many Paragraph Tags
- Applying One Paragraph Designer Property to Just a Couple of Paragraph Tags
- Summary
Using Paragraph Designer Commands
If you imported a Word document, you may find that many of the paragraph tags have an asterisk in front of the name. Chances are that the paragraph tag is not part of the paragraph catalog. In order to perform the previously discussed method of conversion, both paragraph tags must be included in the paragraph catalog.
You can still use the previously discussed method. Let's say that the paragraph tag name that is applied to text but not part of the catalog is Title. Here's how:
Click one time in a paragraph tagged with the format override paragraph tag (in this case, Title).
Notice that the paragraph tag is applied to paragraphs but not included in the catalog.
Select Format, Paragraphs, Designer, or press Crtl+M to display the Paragraph Designer.
Title is displayed in the Paragraph Tag name field.
Click Apply To Selection.
The New Format window is displayed.
Select Store in Catalog, and click Create.
Now that the format override paragraph tag is included in the Paragraph Catalog, you can follow the steps in the previous exercise to change all Title paragraph tags to another paragraph tag.