Goin’ Sneaky on ‘Em!
It’s my belief that once I’ve nailed C&A, I can close down the session and be on my merry way. However, why the heck would I do that when I have a perfectly good human being standing in front of my camera? It’s time to push the envelope and get something that goes beyond the ordinary, producing an image that finds a sweet spot for itself in the middle of my portfolio.
That’s it, PEOPLE! You can’t just let opportunities slip by you. Sure, you got the job done and nailed your C&A, but for my aesthetic, I’ve got to take it up a few notches. So, where do we go from here you may ask? Let me tell you, this isn’t for the faint of heart. You’ve got to dig, and if you aren’t the type to be a little irreverent, then this might not be for you, but this is precisely where my juices start flowing. I’m going for my self-proclaimed signature look: I’m going sneaky on ‘em!
That’s right! Years ago, I was minding my own business in my studio and I looked over at my assistant and said, “I wish everyone that walked through that door, got in front of my camera and just looked sneaky as hell.” That’s it. That’s all I really needed in my life. My favorite pictures are always the ones that look sneaky. I decided then and there it was my mission, because getting someone to look sneaky causes the onlooker to think, increasing the lookability of the shot tenfold.
If you can actually pull off having someone look like they are up to something, then in my book, you are a champ and the furthest thing from a chump. Do that day in and day out and you’ll be runnin’ at the top of Headshotland. All of my favorite shots that I’ve taken have a sneakiness to them or look like the person has something up their sleeve. I can’t help it. It’s my jam.
So, I may capture my C&A right off the bat, but you’d better believe right afterward I’m going in for the sneaky kill. It’s the one look that makes my heart sing and produces a resounding SHA-BANG for me every time!